HUBZone Program
Is your small business a participant in the HUBZone Program, or thinking about applying for certification? The HUBZone Program can be an important source of contracting opportunities, but comes with a unique series of confusing compliance requirements, as well as the risk of program audits, HUBZone protests, and decertification.
If you need HUBZone attorneys, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can help you understand and meet the HUBZone Program’s rules–or protest an award to a competitor who is not compliant.
HUBZone Applications
In most cases, to be certified for participation in the HUBZone Program, you must demonstrate (among other things) that at least 35% of your employees reside in HUBZones and that your principal office is located in a HUBZone. But who counts as an “employee?” Which of your offices is your “principal office?” (Hint: it is not necessarily your headquarters).
If you are considering applying to the HUBZone Program, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can help you understand what information you need to collect and assist you in putting together a thorough HUBZone application to obtain your HUBZone certification.
HUBZone Program Compliance
Being certified as a HUBZone Program participant can help your company win lucrative set-aside and sole source contracts, but you must play by the rules. Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC helps HUBZone participants ensure ongoing compliance with the HUBZone Program’s unique rules and regulations, including compliance with:
HUBZone subcontracting limitations
HUBZone ownership and control requirements
The “35%” employee residency rule
The “principal office” rule
HUBZone “non-manufacturer rule” requirements
HUBZone price preference clause
And much more
HUBZone Decertification Responses
If the SBA believes your company no longer qualifies for the HUBZone Program, it will send you a HUBZone decertification letter, explaining its findings and asking for you to reply. Treat the HUBZone decertification letter seriously, because without a strong and effective response, your small business could lose its HUBZone certification.
Just because the SBA has proposed your company for HUBZone decertification does not necessarily mean it’s the end of the line for your HUBZone status. Drawing on the HUBZone Program’s regulations, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can help you prepare a thorough response to the proposed HUBZone decertification, explaining why your small business is still eligible for participation in the HUBZone Program.
HUBZone Protests
An active HUBZone certification does not guarantee that a company is currently eligible for HUBZone set-aside contracts. If you lose a HUBZone set-aside contract to a company you believe does not meet the HUBZone Program’s requirements, you may be able to file a HUBZone status protest with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Win the HUBZone protest, and your competitor will be disqualified–hopefully resulting in an award to your small business.
Acting on your behalf, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can prepare and file a HUBZone status protest, challenging your competitor’s status as an eligible HUBZone small business, and giving your business another shot at the contract.
Defending HUBZone Protests
If a competitor files a HUBZone status protest against you, treat it with the seriousness it deserves. After all, if you lose, you’ll not only lose the HUBZone set-aside contract you just won, but will likely be proposed for decertification from the HUBZone Program.
If your HUBZone status is under attack, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can help. In addition to guidance on what documents to submit to the SBA, Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC draws on the HUBZone Program’s regulations to provide the government with a thorough legal response defending your HUBZone status–and your contract award.
HUBZone Internal Compliance Audits
Not sure if your HUBZone small business is currently in compliance with the HUBZone Program rules? You are not alone. Due to the confusion and complexities surrounding the HUBZone Program’s unique requirements–especially the 35% employee residency rule–many HUBZone participants are uncertain whether they still qualify, leaving them vulnerable to a competitor’s HUBZone protest or an SBA HUBZone decertification decision.
Stop wondering whether your small business is HUBZone compliant. Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC can perform a thorough internal audit of your current HUBZone compliance. Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC will review your company’s governing documents, ownership and management structure, and employee residency to help you identify and correct any problems. In addition, we will help you implement a series of “HUBZone Best Practices” to help you maintain and track your HUBZone compliance going forward.
HUBZone Program Articles on SmallGovCon
At Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC, we closely follow the latest HUBZone Program developments. We regularly blog on the HUBZone Program on our blog, SmallGovCon. Click here to read our articles on the HUBZone Program.
Contact Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC’s HUBZone Attorneys
If you need HUBZone Program legal services, do not delay. Contact Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC at (785) 200-8919 or info@koprince.com.